Perfected masterclass that guides you step by step in building an OCMA

Using our comprehensive framework, you'll get guidance on how to build a business, generate profits and scale it to new heights - just like we did it ourselves.

+80 active students

Praised by:


Secure payment

30+ modules

Personal access 24/7

Refund guarantee


Read more about who we are, what we do and how we got to where we are today.

Praised in the news: Our knowledge is based on experience

The twins Benjamin and Sebastian are well-known faces all over in Denmark. They have run the well-known clothing store Linenclothing and a. have written about their success at a young age. At OCMA Masterclass, we focus on showing you reality without a filter and let our experience and results speak for themselves

weekly meetings

Since everyone learns in different ways, we have implemented weekly calls where Benjamin and Sebastian share their most valuable OCMA nuggets

Live Q/A

Jan 1, 24
6:00 PM

Sales Meeting

Jan 8, 24
3:00 PM

Weekly Cacthup

Jan 16, 24
4:00 PM

Topic Call

Jan 23, 24
5:00 PM

masterclass content

What does our Masterclass include?

Same day support

Suitable for beginners and intermediates

Our tools and templates

How to start your OCMA

Weekly live calls with us

Personal sparring group

30+ step by step in-depth modules

24/7 personal access

Get a taste of what you get in OCMA Masterclass?

30+ step by step modules includes what you get access to in the organic masterclass


Chapter 1

Your Foundations

1 videos


Chapter 2

Building your own OCMA from scratch

5 videos


Chapter 3

Getting your foot in the door

3 videos


Chapter 4

Make the plants sprout (close the deals)

3 videos


Chapter 5

Learn the business yourself and then outsource

7 videos


Chapter 6

System tracking / progressive development in your business

2 videos


Chapter 7

Watch the flower sprout

1 videos


Chapter 8

Streamlined OCMA systems

5 videos


Chapter 9

Don't work in the business, work on the business

4 videos

why us

Why choose our masterclass

frequent questions

Get answers to all extra questions

Step by step on how you can achieve an OCMA

Apply today

© 2024, OCMA Masterclass


VAT: S & B Schoensted Consulting ApS